Crocodeli <br> Food
Crocodeli <br> Food
Crocodeli <br> Food

Our Brand


Orienbites <br> Food
Orienbites <br> Food
Orienbites <br> Food

Our Brand


Made with Love

Our Pizza Do The Talking

We provide you with complete meal prep which includes the prepackaged necessary ingredients.
Food Expert
Food Expert

Made with Love


Food Expert is committed to delivering the best products while causing the least harm to the environment we are living in. To accomplish this goal, we have taken different sustainability initiatives aimed at creating a sustainable supply chain as well as compensating our partners fairly for their efforts.
We are acutely aware of the importance of recycling as well as the problem with excessive packaging. That is why all of our packaging is designed to be easily recycled, which minimizes wastage during our production process. We have also kept packaging to a minimum in order to reduce the impact on the environment.
Cooking oil is crucial to food production, but harvesting oil is a major cause of deforestation. Understanding this concern, we are committed to sourcing our oil from certified sustainable suppliers, ensuring that our supply of oil will not cause further deforestation to the world we are living in. We have also taken steps to minimize our use of palm oil and opted for more eco-friendly alternatives.
We support the development of local communities as well as fair treatment of all workers involved in our supply chain. To this end, we are working closely with trusted partners who conduct strict social audits, which are testaments to their own social commitments.

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